Can I download e-books on my iPad, smart phone, tablet or computer or read them offline?


We have access to major e-book databases (ProQuest eLibrary and EBSCO eBooks), both of which can be viewed (read) online and offline. In order to read an eBook offline or download it, do follow the steps below and install software on your PC, tablet/iPad, or smartphone:

1.    Create an account on EBSCO (you will be promoted) to download a title. This is not necessarily an AUD account and can be any username and password you prefer. It is not necessary to create a personal account to download eBooks on our ProQuest platform.

2.    Follow the prompts and - install/download Adobe Digital Editions for your PC, Mac, or laptop. Download Bluefire Reader app from Google Play on your Android phone or tablet or from iTunes for an Apple device (iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad)

3.    eBooks are available for different loan periods and access from your digital library will be lost after this period.

Need more help? Watch the following videos on eBooks from EBSCO or ProQuest eBook Central:

  • Last Updated Jun 16, 2021
  • Views 45
  • Answered By Anthony Onwuzuligbo

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